All Of Your 妈妈改造 Questions Answered | DPS-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


By 杰弗里·唐纳森,医学博士 |

Your Biggest 妈妈改造 Questions, Answered

Columbus, OH board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. 杰弗里·H. 唐纳森 回答你关于妈咪改造过程中最私人和最实际的问题.

What is a 妈妈改造?

A 妈妈改造 这是一个总括性的术语,指的是针对受怀孕和分娩影响最大的身体部位的任何手术组合吗. A typical 妈妈改造 may include any combination of:

Who is a good candidate for the 妈妈改造 procedure?

Any patient who is healthy, 并且有那些与怀孕有关的典型的解剖变化. Those changes might include abdominal muscle separation, extra subcutaneous fat that may have lingered after childbirth, 拉伸皮肤, 妊辰纹, or a deformity or overlap at the point of their 剖腹产疤痕.

Some women’s breasts may have been deflated through breastfeeding, 哪一种的特点是乳房上极不丰满, or by a lack of cleavage line. A 隆胸 能让胸部组织下垂的人更圆润吗, or they may even benefit from a 乳房提升. 也有患者的乳房组织在怀孕后会变大, 在这种情况下 乳房缩小术 with a lift might be necessary.

澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台 may have enlarged labia minora 或者阴道内唇可能需要收紧或缩小, which is commonly referred to as a 阴道整型的.

Do I have to have kids in order to do a 妈妈改造?

不一定! “妈咪改头换面”的绰号是因为这些变化在怀孕和分娩期间是典型的, 但类似的变化也会发生在体重的大幅改变或减肥中, or just through our own genetics.

How long should I wait to get a 妈妈改造 after nursing?

我建议在母乳喂养结束后至少等待6个月再进行任何形式的乳房手术. Your breasts continue to change over time, you can see residual deflation in months and years after. 如果乳房组织在怀孕后有时间恢复到正常状态,可能会有一个不同的手术.

Can you revise a 剖腹产疤痕 with 妈妈改造?

是的 — that’s a part of a routine abdominoplasty, or 腹部除皱, which is a procedure usually part of a 妈妈改造.

妈妈改造 in Columbus Ohio

Why do you repair the abdominal muscles during a 妈妈改造?

Often times during pregnancy, 腹部的直肌(或“六块腹肌”)倾向于分开. There’s a small tendon called the 白线 that brings those muscles together; during pregnancy that can stretch to the point where what used to be a flat floor is now rounded or somewhat soft, causing your abdominal muscles to separate and weaken. 在腹部整形手术中, 缝合线用于将这些肌肉的外层连接在一起并重建中间的肌腱, so those abdominal muscles are brought back side by side. Repairing this diastasis recti 让你有可能回到怀孕前的扁平核心.

How long is the recovery for a 妈妈改造, on average?

这当然取决于选择什么样的手术组合. 通常, if there is both a breast procedure and a 腹部除皱, 通常有一到两周的时间可以不履行日常职责, closer to a month to six weeks before any strenuous 锻炼.

What should I do to prepare for a 妈妈改造?

一般来说,患者最好将体重控制在正常体重的15到20磅以内. 大多数人都是,所以只要他们在那个区域内,那就安全了. 除此之外, it’s a matter of good nutrition, 良好的休息, 锻炼, being physically and emotionally prepared for surgery.


What kind of implants would you recommend for me?

Implant selection is a highly customized process where we discuss proportions, anatomy, goals, desires. 大多数情况下,我们使用圆形,光滑的硅胶植入物,中等或高轮廓. 大小一般由患者的测量和他们自己在大小和形状方面的目标来确定.

What are the scars like typically for a 妈妈改造?

It depends on what procedures are selected, but for a 隆胸, there will be a very small fine scar, 大约一英寸长,隐藏在乳房下面的褶皱中. A 腹部除皱 would be similarly smooth, 它会在比基尼线的正下方从臀部到臀部穿过腹部. 一般来说,腹部除皱疤痕不会延伸到腹部两侧.

任何吸脂手术都是通过非常小的,四分之一英寸的切口进行的,切口很隐蔽. 然后, 当然, 阴道整型的 would be very minimal scarring, often completely free of any scar tissue.

Can I get a 妈妈改造 if I still want to have children?

是的. 然而, if a patient is actively planning on having more kids, we generally counsel them to wait until they are finished. 以防澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台在妈咪改造后怀孕, there may be some sort of touch up procedure necessary.



妈妈化妆是门诊手术我们在哥伦布的门诊外科中心进行, 俄亥俄州的区域. No overnight is required, 但对于住在州外或有更复杂的医疗问题的人来说, overnights could always be arranged.

Is there a benefit to combining procedures with a 妈妈改造?

If a patient knows that they want to have multiple procedures, 然后我们通常会把所有可以在6小时内完成的事情结合起来. 在这个点上,风险曲线会随着麻醉的增加而增加. 还有一个优势就是只有一个恢复期, 同时,将多种澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网结合起来也能带来一些经济上的优势.

What is the right age to get a 妈妈改造?

There is no right age for a 妈妈改造! 任何18岁以上有过孩子的人通常都是妈咪改头换面手术的好人选. Genetics, health history, background all play a role.


The 妈妈改造 is what we are quite well-known for. 很多澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台相信我们可以同时为他们做多个手术, we have excellent outcomes. We consistently have patients rave about our staff, 关于我们的流程, 关于我们的结果, they tend to heal very well.

Interested in setting up a consultation with Dr. 唐纳森或Dr. Sieffert for a 妈妈改造?

杰弗里·唐纳森,医学博士 Author Bio 2


As a board-certified plastic surgeon, 杰弗里·唐纳森,医学博士 has helped countless women throughout Columbus, 俄亥俄州和其他州决定妈咪整容手术对她们来说是否正确. 他利用自己20多年的实践经验,在进行成功的整容手术之前,帮助指导患者完成决策过程.

