



你应该做什么(& 澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后不应该做的事 

Dr. 西弗特解释腹部除皱手术

Morpheus8 has rapidly become one of our industry’s most popular non-surgical skin tightening treatments. This procedure uses high-powered radio frequencies and fine surgical pins to smooth out skin textures, 减小孔隙尺寸, 融化脂肪和, 正如前面提到的, 紧致肌肤——不仅仅是面部, 但是在身体上, 太. 

With a great number of patients reaching for this versatile treatment as a solution to a variety of skin concerns, 我们想直接解决有关的问题 Morpheus8安置 -澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网结束后该做什么, what to avoid and what you can continue to do to bolster your cosmetic results!


  • Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 whenever you are exposed to the sun
  • Follow the skincare routine recommended by the provider after treatment, 其中可能包括温和的洗面奶和保湿霜 
  • Stay hydrated to promote skin healing and rejuvenation 
  • Use a cool compress to reduce swelling, if necessary
  • 澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台 your provider immediately if you experience any unusual symptoms, 如出血, 水泡或感染的迹象
  • Follow up with your provider for any scheduled appointments or additional treatments to bolster results 

相信这个过程! This is an amazing treatment but it takes time to see your results. You are going to continue to see improved results 3 months after your last treatment of the series.”

-Paige Brudzinski,注册会计师


避免阳光直射, 热水淋浴, saunas and steam rooms for the first 24 hours after treatment. Do not apply makeup or other products to the treated area for at least 48 hours. You should also abstain from strenuous exercise or activities that cause excessive sweating for up to 48 hours after Morpheus8. Do not scratch, pick or rub the treated area as this can cause irritation or infection. 

“We create a lot of microchannels and micro-injuries in the skin during the procedure and we don’t want to clog that up with makeup and sunscreen. Avoiding intentional sun exposure is important when you cannot wear your daily sunscreen.”

-Paige Brudzinski,注册会计师


We highly recommend patients avoid alcohol for 24 hours before their treatment and for up to 48 hours after. Alcohol thins the blood, dries the skin and can prolong or complicate the healing process. 


改革 & RePAIR topical skin treatment from Alastin is our go-to solution. 这款医用级皮肤精华液可减少停机时间, improves results and increases the production of new collagen and elastin. 改革 & RePAIR bolsters an all-around better healing environment before and after a Morpheus8 treatment.

“Be sure to follow all the instructions on your post-Morpheus8 skin care kit for the first 5 – 7 days while you are healing for face and neck. Body treatments make take closer to 2 weeks to heal due to the increased depth of the treatment.”

-Paige Brudzinski,注册会计师


我们强烈建议使用 Pro-Nox or taking advantage of premedication options to make this treatment more comfortable. 然而, if a patient chooses to pre-medicate with a drug like Valium, they will need to arrange a safe drive home after their visit. 

Patients can take Tylenol to alleviate any post-treatment discomfort. They should avoid Ibuprofen/NSAIDs as these can cause more bruising. With Morpheus8, the discomfort is typically reserved for during the treatment instead of after.

Patients will likely feel flushed or sunburnt for a few hours after, but the pain will almost completely subside by the end of the treatment. 

Paige Brudzinski RN作者图片


Paige Brudzinski,注册会计师, is an aesthetic provider at Donaldson整形外科 and Columbus, 俄亥俄州睡眠澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网专家. She performs this treatment on a daily basis and has helped hundreds of patients feel even more comfortable in their own skin. Paige’s passion for cosmetic results is only matched by her desire to help individuals best understand every aspect of their nonsurgical treatments before choosing her as their trusted provider. 

